Vatican Assassins - “Wounded In The House Of My Friends” The Perfidious and Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus Waging Its Relentless Wars Against All Accursed Heretics and Liberals Pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and Council of Trent Including:
Its Second Thirty Years’ War (1914–1945)
Its Cold War (1945–1989)
Its Anglo-American Crusade Against Islam (2001–Present) (Prime Minister Tony Blair’s and President George W. Bush’s Masonic “War on Islamic Terror,” as Directed by the Black Pope’s Jesuit Curia; Which Crusade Is To the Exclusion of “Roman Catholic Terror,” Daily Exported from the Pope’s Islands of Ireland and Cuba) And Its Assassination of America’s First Roman Catholic President Knight of Columbus John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963) Complete In Four Volumes By Eric Jon Phelps.
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April 11, 2016 Subject:
Very Undervalued Usefull Book
should be read by all active well meaning politicians worldwide then it could do tremendous good for the overal wellbeing in this world.
We should concentrate our energy to the problems that really matter to effieciently make progress.
Reviewer:Lisa Dana
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March 17, 2015 Subject:
Vatican Assassins Eric Jon Phelps
fantastic book. I cannot find the words to express my awe of Eric Phelp's work, his genius, his insight. He has changed the way I look at history...and at the present.